Mia🎭 pfp



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Mia🎭 pfp
The more time you spend to make a work of art perfect, the lower the learning rate. So even though perfectionism seems like a good thing, it actually hurts your progress in the long run.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Every musical note has a story in it and every melody can bring a memory to life. Music is a close companion in lonely moments and a faithful partner in happy moments.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Photography for me is not about looking, it's about feeling. If you can't feel what you're looking at, you'll never be able to make others feel anything when they see your images.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Dolphins are known as one of the most amazing sea creatures with their intelligence and playfulness.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Every woman has a story, when women's rights are respected, their stories will be added to the glorious history of humanity. When women fly, the world soars higher than ever; Women's rights are the key to this flight.
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Mia🎭 pfp
The Base Network is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution incubated by Coinbase, designed to offer a secure, low-cost, and developer-friendly platform for building decentralized applications. Learn more about the leading projects in the Base ecosystem and how to invest in them.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Clothing design is an art and science that requires creativity, precision and technical knowledge. According to current trends and market needs, fashion designers create clothes that are functional and comfortable in addition to beauty. This process starts with inspiration and research and ends with production and marketing, but it is always a dynamic and changing cycle.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Art is the manifestation of the tenderness and wonder within the human being that comes to life with every stroke of the pen, every movement of the brush, or every note of music. In the world of art, anything is possible; From nothing, a new world is created, and from silence, an eternal song is heard.
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Mia🎭 pfp
How beautiful is this sentence from Elliot Erwitt who says: The whole purpose of taking a picture is to not have to explain things with words.
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Mia🎭 pfp
In ancient societies, such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, women's rights were usually limited to family and domestic roles. Women were often denied the right to education, work and political participation. During the Middle Ages, the situation did not change much and women were still under the control of men.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Nature is the habitat of millions of species of animals and plants. Each species has a vital role in the balance of the ecosystem and this balance is necessary for the survival of life on earth.
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Mia🎭 pfp
Masks allow us to find refuge in a world that is sometimes harsh and cruel. They empower us to move forward with more confidence and face challenges
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Mia🎭 pfp
Besides aesthetics, visual arts can convey important social, political and cultural messages. Visual art works sometimes use traditional techniques and sometimes use modern technologies to establish a deeper connection with their audience.
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Mia🎭 pfp
There is a story hidden in the music of every note and a path to peace in every song. Music can caress the soul like a gentle breeze or make the heart beat like a raging storm. This audio magic brings back memories
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Mia🎭 pfp
With the advancement of technology, photography has become one of the most popular means of communication and documentation in the world. From pristine nature to bustling cities, every scene has a story to tell that a photographer can capture.
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Mia🎭 pfp
A strong woman with the knowledge she gained from her experiences not only lights her own path but also helps others find light in their darkness. With tolerance and commitment to their values, these women make the world a better place to live.
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Mia🎭 pfp
It can be said that the art of painting is the use of colors on surfaces to give personality to a raw surface. Painting is a powerful art and painters have been able to teach many concepts to people during human life due to the power of this art.
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Mia🎭 pfp
This instrument can be divided into two general categories in terms of body: solid body and hollow body. Hollow body guitars are used by jazz musicians, while solid bodies are generally used in rock and metal music.
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Mia🎭 pfp
The Kodak camera, introduced by George Eastman, was a revolutionary invention that made photography accessible to the masses. It was a simple and portable camera that used roll film and allowed users to take up to 100 photographs without reloading.
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Mia🎭 pfp
The Optimism network is governed by its namesake token or OP for short. A part of the supply of OP digital currency was provided to early users of the Optimism network at the end of May 2022. The developers of the Optimism platform have claimed that they will continue to issue more tokens.
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