Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Hey @jessepollak, ask and ye shall receive! Frames go live today in /xmtp with support in @converseapp, @coinbase's OnchainKit, @frames (.js), and the reference app. We 💜 Farcaster's Frames, so keeping the spec close and also adding compatibility for XMTP signatures was key.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
Initial support for existing Frames is live in on iOS, Android, Web. It's just a start, but pretty cool to see even simple things like games working as an in-message Frame on Converse.
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Matt Galligan pfp
Matt Galligan
The goal is that developers will have to do very little to add support for XMTP signatures (if applicable) to their existing Farcaster Frames so they can be sent in messages. Draft for the spec can be read here: Feel free to join /open-frames to ask about it too!
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