Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
1/ Do you know Superdackel? The party pup is an homage to the iconic nodding dog dashboard toy called Wackeldackel and was introduced by Mercedes-Benz and Superplastic at CES last year. Wonder what he is up to this year? ↓
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
2/ Recently, Superdackel broke into our digital garage, where we store models and traits for the second era of our Mercedes-Benz NXT Icons, and got up to a bit of mischief... Fortunately, our cameras could take a few photos.
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Mercedes-Benz NXT pfp
Mercedes-Benz NXT
3/ He disguised himself in different outfits though. With the release of these, we are also announcing the next phase of Superdackel: a digital collectible which will be available as a free mint soon. If you are at CES 2024, you can get a sneak peek in the MBUX Collectibles App!
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