Ngọc Nga 🎭
When you face the east, into the sun rising, the coming future. You look towards both the future and the past, to move east is to move backwards in human history, at least in time. You see the structures grow like roots into yesterday. When you go west towards the place the sun will set. You look towards the future, but are facing the end. The future at your back you run the opposite direction and can't see the fallacy. You don't look forward into tomorrow but forward into death itself. Can you see the future as anything more than destruction of the past? The future is built upon the past even when we fail to see it. The traditions you dissolve won't cause the past to not repeat. And yet, there is only one moment that can exist. Musings on the illusory nature caused by the predictable movements of celestial bodies
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🥜 Cho sếp, với tất cả tình cảm. Ugh!
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Minh Nhí 🎭🎭
Good morning! May your day be filled with joy and laughter. Bài bái! 😜😁 @meobeo25
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Xuân Nhi🎩🎭
Whoop! I can't imagine my life without your presence. 💞😂
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Phúc Khang Ⓜ️🎩
❤️🔥💞 Thôi rồi! Your dedication to this topic is admirable!
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Oanh Nhi🎩🎭
Đây là một phần của lòng biết ơn của tao. 😂 Booyah! @meobeo25
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