‏ pfp
Introducing $FRAME, the first /frames powered airdrop on @farcaster! To claim your airdrop, simply interact with the frame below 👇 Thank you to @base for their support and sponsorship of airdrop fees. Lower Farcaster ID == more $FRAME Like and Recast! ❤️ ♻️ https://frametoken.vercel.app
77 replies
1205 recasts
1511 reactions

‏ pfp
For any new users finding this post, the claim sold out in about 3hrs the first night it dropped. The only way to acquire $FRAME at the moment is through Uniswap from either the FRAME/WETH pool, or the FRAME/$DEGEN pool. We also have a nice new site to check out! https://frametoken.us
1 reply
1 recast
5 reactions

Paragism pfp
claim over?
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