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maurelian  pfp
What does this meta data I see on some casts mean @pfista?
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
@zinger got it right But what that really is me deciding to ship something shite instead of building a channel url -> display name API Itโ€™s all about iteration and ship speed ๐Ÿ˜…
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Zinger โ†‘ pfp
Zinger โ†‘
Thatโ€™s the โ€œparent URLโ€, basically what the cast is replying to which is usually the channel (channels are just URLs under the hood) but in this case it looks like itโ€™s an NFT (which could still represent a channel)
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John Jung pfp
John Jung
Yea sorry folks weโ€™ve been doing a lot and havent had a chancel to turn these into channel names yet
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