martin ↑
came across this video super randomly. very rough at the edges but it does hit in a deep way i've been waking up to the absolute slop that is hyper-rational productivity business content
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martin ↑
a question i was journaling on this morning: are there any true artist businessmen? i only truly _feel_ unique things when i'm consuming great art or making truly unique things. business and work pump up my dopamine but are a completely different part of the brain can people truly blend both or are ...
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martin ↑
are these brain "modes" at odds with each other, unable to be in a brain in the same day? it's why i think most business/productivity content lacks soul or character or just common sense some times. everything is done through the lens of rationality, too much focus on doing to do, isntead of enjoying, thinking
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Matthew Fox 🌐
I find business and creativity to be very intertwined (minus the admin overhead of biz) - def tried to be 1:1 artist/biz at one point Just ending up becoming a fckn nerd tho + I find it much harder to switch from code to either above - at least when the code is fixing / making prod ready (vs testing new ideas)
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martin ↑
how do you balance the "making more money" side of business with "exploring the world / self / creativity" side of art ?
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