Matthew pfp
which daos have actually acquired land or physical space?
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Vinay Débrou ⚙️📆 pfp
Vinay Débrou ⚙️📆
CityDAO and CabinDAO
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Matthew pfp
i like these experiments! but i wonder if there’s a strong enough shared purpose. let’s say a group surfers started a community, and they all bought land in hawaii as a dao— i imagine the shared purpose of surfing would make the group stronger. I wonder what that “thing” is with these that would do the same
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Vinay Débrou ⚙️📆 pfp
Vinay Débrou ⚙️📆
"strong shared purpose" is what will create real value in DAO communities & buying real estate is part of vertical communities strategy. evolving scene, some good examples on the "why together?" question. Links DAO -golf Krause House - basketball SongADAO - music Pizza DAO - pizza party CabinDAO - coliving
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