m4sood.eth pfp



2266 Following

m4sood.eth pfp
Check if you are eligible to claim a reward 🎁. Powered by @castdrop. More at /castdrop.
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m4sood.eth pfp
Much love ❤️👊 https://www.build.top/nominate/0x06d996dc7B03b4014a860A7A0267496ED00D532F
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m4sood.eth pfp
Happy that i bypassed 200 txns in just a month! Farcaster × /degen × /base => 🔥
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m4sood.eth pfp
Hey friends, would you please kindly nominate me too? 😊 https://www.build.top/nominate/0x06d996dc7B03b4014a860A7A0267496ED00D532F
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m4sood.eth pfp
subscribe to my channel 😎 my stats on AlfaFrens 🫂 frame by @degenfans
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m4sood.eth pfp
Go get my (@masooda) card, trade it, and earn $DEGEN or GTFO ❤️ Join Uncuts V2 /onrekt to learn more, or, again, GTFO ❤️
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m4sood.eth pfp
Time to up my game! 😎 minted my /farcards
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m4sood.eth pfp
a proud owner of swatchpunk #6597 here! thanks @jordanlyall for airdrop 🤩🥃
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m4sood.eth pfp
Hi Zora fam, Just a reminder, this offer is still up for grabs! 🔥🗡️
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m4sood.eth pfp
Hey folks! 🎉 I just snagged my $FOMO airdrop (/omof) in celebration of hitting that massive 30,000-follower milestone at @tocd on Warpcast! 🚀 Just hit that "Claim $FOMO Airdrop" button—seriously, it's that easy! Don't let the FOMO get ya—get the $FOMO instead! Let’s make this rain $FOMO tokens! 🎊👾
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m4sood.eth pfp
Running a Farcaster hub with 8Core/32GB ram server. happy to help the ecosystem! 🤩
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m4sood.eth pfp
Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to win the Fields Medal in 2014 for her work in mathematics, particularly in hyperbolic geometry and geometric structures on surfaces, would have been 47 today. she passed away in 2017 at the age of 40 due to complications from breast cancer 📷 Mott Carter/Clay Mathematics Institute
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m4sood.eth pfp
Gm guys, just started my channel on Alfafrens! Subscribe, Stake and LFG! 🔥 https://www.alfafrens.com/channel/0x86c1d848ec71171901a8a5228b8452cd8ae71f32
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m4sood.eth pfp
🎉 Attention NFT Enthusiasts! 🎉 1- First mint will get 5000 FOMO 2- next 3 will get 2000 FOMO 3- next 3 will get 1000 FOMO 4- next 3 will get 500 FOMO Plus, all minters are guaranteed an airdrop of my next paid NFT release in the collection, even if they are not among the first 10 minters!
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m4sood.eth pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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m4sood.eth pfp
Mint Etherscanpepen
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m4sood.eth pfp
We are migrating our data from pixlee cdn to a s3 + cloudfront setup to handle our brand UGC with an internal service. Using Perplexity.ai i was able to create a Go script which on average, each minute download/uploads 750 images to s3 bucket and records their metadata in db. I love this AI era which we are living in
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m4sood.eth pfp
LFG! 🔥
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m4sood.eth pfp
Why isn't my six-year active GitHub and verified LinkedIn account enough to prove my identity for Gitcoin passport, while buying their NFTs and staking their coins has more impact? if you want money why not just go ahead and set a subscription plan and charge people, instead of this brilliant approach? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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m4sood.eth pfp
Feeling FOMO? No, this is $FOMO by @tocd! Community Token on $DEGEN The more $FOMO you have the less FOMO you have /omof. https://frame.theoldcastle.xyz/fomo?fid=498757
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