Itoma pfp



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Itoma pfp
Because I am an English teacher🧑🏻‍🏫
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Itoma pfp
Hi Nice to meet Smurf🧚
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Itoma pfp
To be Phaver Lv5, I bought this NFT. This price is 0.017ETH and I can get 4creds. It is reasonable.
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Itoma pfp
The cred of "anima proof of personhood NFT " has been decreased 10 to 5 ?? OMG…
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Itoma pfp
I could finally get this BADGE! It took a whale day... It was so confusing to bridge ETH net to Polygon net. I still don't know why I took a lot of time & Gas fee to get it. One thing I can say is that I want to invest phaver.
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Itoma pfp
This waffle shop has opened. coffee set 500yen. Nice:)
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Itoma pfp
I've been investing WULF for months. At first, I bought this brand just because it had a cool name and was cheap.
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Itoma pfp
It's time to do this tedious update again this month! With a smartphone, the connection to the 🦊 doesn't work either, which makes it even more troublesome. #reputation anima
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Itoma pfp
I entried some illust contest with this pic. However who knows this dog was made by AI?
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Itoma pfp
YAKI NIKU🍖 I enjoyed rich beef & hormon.
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Itoma pfp
I celebrated my birthday by myself. It's okay:) from mid summer in Finland 🇫🇮
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Itoma pfp
CNP(本家)欲しくなってます😺 ボーナス出たし、明日誕生日なので🎊 あと特に欲しいモノ(物質的なモノ)もないしw CNP SUMMER🍉⛵️
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25 reactions

Itoma pfp
I'm looking forward to "SOCIAL SUMMER" Summer has already come! I got BONUS today and I wanna extra BONUS💰 Can't wait :)
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Itoma pfp
This is a school lunch that was served at my son's school. I went there and tried one. It was so good because I could get same meals with my sweet son at the same time and plaae. The main meal was called "jumbo gyoza" 🥟
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Itoma pfp
ボーナスでCNP1つ買えそうな感じです。 投資と思ってるので16万くらいであれば株を買うようなもんです。
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17 reactions

Itoma pfp
欲しいCNPがフロア付近に登場してる! でもETHがない。 今持ってるCNPを1つ同じくらいの価格でリストしてそのETHで買うことをしたいのだけども…
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11 reactions

Itoma pfp
KDDIの株主優待、グルメカタログは今回で終了です😢 最後のグルメはハンバーグに決まり!
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Itoma pfp
This is my soul food(Akita,Japan) , that is called ''Yokote Yakisoba" Yokote is the name of the city that created this type of Yakisoba. The feature is that a sunny side up is on the top of noodles. 秋田のB級グルメ横手やきそば
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Itoma pfp
妻と仲が良いわけではないですがコーヒーを淹れてやるくらいの気持ちは残ってます。 LLACのカフェインレスコーヒーを淹れてあげたら美味い!と言ってました。 ぼくが考案したコーヒーなわけじゃないけど「ドヤ!」という気持…
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Itoma pfp
Fish and Chips with HUB-ale🍻 @ HUB I was soooo chilling.
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