Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp

Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ


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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Real builders commit, and I just committed 4.38M $BUILD tokens to the BUILD Summer Fund
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Good evening πŸŒ†
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
I love my life!πŸ“β˜€οΈ
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
The first appearance of the yo-yo in the United States was noted in 1866, when two men from Ohio invented an "improved" yo-yo, the weight of which was distributed along the rim. A year later, a German immigrant named Charles Kirchow invented and patented the so-called "return wheel".
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
We regularly clean the house space! The son has grown up to play the main role of an assistant!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
GM! Have time to enjoy the weekend!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Hello to the most persistent! Have a great weekend, everyone! Relaxation, laughter, good sleep!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Hello everyone! Have a great weekend to everyone, sunny weather and a cozy atmosphere!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Hello everyone! Today I bought a yo-yo for my son. It is made of a light metal alloy and I think it is the most successful in shape. And hooray! We have learned how to cope with it! A little happiness!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Good evening to all! Today we have rainy weather. Do you like rain? What do you feel about him? How do you raise the irony?
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
GM! We were very persistent! Congratulations to everyone!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
The Krasnoyarsk prosecutor's office demands that the book "Harmful Advice" by Grigory Oster be withdrawn from sale and destroyed. We are talking about a specific store in the village of Karatuzskoye. According to the agency, the book contains horrific examples of immoral behavior and depictions of violent scenes.
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Hello everyone! Move on confidently and don't be sad!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Hello,guys! Chinese cat Bao Zi got into the Guinness Book of Records, riding a skateboard 10 meters in 12.85 seconds. His master is a dog trainer, so the cat's skills don't end there. And what have you achieved?
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
We have not been able to master this mysterious toy. How are you doing?
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
GM! Have a relaxed day and a positive mood!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
American Diana Armstrong got into the Guinness Book of Records for not cutting her nails since 1997 and growing them to a length of 1.3 meters. You scared Freddy Krueger.
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
GM! My family loves to touch the grass, touch it, play and sit on it!
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
πŸƒ πŸƒ We celebrate Tarot Day on May 25. Do you use this tool to help you solve problems? πŸƒ πŸƒ
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Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ  pfp
Mariya πŸ”΅πŸŽ©πŸŒˆ
Good afternoon! I wish you a delicious and juicy weekend! What are your plans for today?
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