martin ↑ pfp
martin ↑
Anyone know why / how bars get those umbrellas or tables with beverage brands on them? Is it free? Is it part of a distribution deal? What’s the logic behind it
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agrimony↑🎩 q/tips pfp
agrimony↑🎩 q/tips
most likely a sponsorship deal with the bar?
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alvaro delgado pfp
alvaro delgado
As far as I know, they give them branded furniture + product at a better price. This happens with venues and beer/liquor brands all the time
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Colin pfp
companies will sell product to the bar for cheaper if they use their displays. for example, red bull will give discounts to stores or venues on their cans if they put up a RB branded display for x amount of time
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tani ↑ pfp
tani ↑
It’s usually freebies It falls under the marketing budget of the promoting companies. This is similar to how free merchandise is distributed in crypto events. Pepsi used to install free refrigerator in shops as a part of their distribution
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