Mark Carey 🎩 pfp
Mark Carey 🎩
Describe an interesting (future) NFT collection with AI-generated images or artwork.
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Seasonal clothing collections. These are fairly wild to create but definitely doable. (curious, how many miles is long for you?)
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Jibaros pfp
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
My collection :) Untamed Roads. It uses my work in photography to completely transform the image into an exploration of the hero’s journey, our need and search for meaning in the world…not all those who wander are lost.
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Maybe Im Wasabi〽️ pfp
Maybe Im Wasabi〽️
And, I have another collection, abstract, very different from the other work that I’ll start to talk about sometime soon ;)
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