David Lisser
Good morning Slowly but surely sharing more examples of screen-based work that I like. Here's Kutluğ Ataman with 'the stream'
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Maria Fynsk Norup 🎩🔵
Morning David! This is coooool! 🔥🤯
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David Lisser
It's good fun isn't it - recently I've been thinking a lot about screen as sculpture, and the different manifestations of that
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Maria Fynsk Norup 🎩🔵
Definitely a lot to play with there. And this is a brilliant execution 👌🏼 I know it’s not exactly screens, but Kusama’s mirror rooms has a bit of the same vibe maybe?
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David Lisser
Yes that's true - physically moving around and through light. But then I guess thats a whole different kettle of fish, Dan Flavin, Jenny Holzer, Daniel Buren etc etc
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