Colin pfp
Excited to announce wallet-based newsletter delivery on @paragraph! Send newsletters directly to subscriber's wallets, powered by @xmtp. Reach your audience no matter if they're on web2 or web3, while owning your communication & distribution. Read more:
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Manuel pfp
This is really cool. Quick question. For sending notifications to a wallet, is it only compatible with Coinbase wallet? Otherwise they have to download another app to receive notifications? But if they don’t have Coinbase wallet, it can still go to their email if they have one in their profile?
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
The notifications will reach you on any/every xmtp enabled app you use
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Manuel pfp
I’m assuming most of my target audience won’t have any xtmp enabled app. Coinbase wallet is the most likely, but still not majority. So I’m trying to see how to reach people who connect their wallet instead of email. Also exploring WebPush from WebKit for web app notifications
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