Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
fun fact: the purple represents farcaster and the green represents the almighty kiwi. @cameron chose the rounded blocks to represent all the building happening on fc and liked how in some instances, ✨stars✨ emerge
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See you at FarCon 🤙 pfp
See you at FarCon 🤙
Why is the image in the preview different from the one on the contribute page and OpenSea?
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
metadata indexing and cache issues. we've been investigating (and shipping improvements) the past few days but it's still not great. lots of duct tape and bubblegum in the pipeline across the entire industry 🙃 @ds can say more
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Danny pfp
We fixed the underlying problem, but we can’t invalidate cache on third party systems. I see the correct image here now.
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