Mantega pfp



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Mantega pfp
Yesterday had a bit of a tough day. Two teenagers were fighting and start to escalate the fight by picking stones. I was in my motorcycle and stopped to intervene and ended up with a blue toe afterwards ( he dropped the stone and it landed on my foot). By luck I got only a purple toe and keep going with my day.
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Mantega pfp
Warp by warp,we shall move forward!
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Mantega pfp
Oh I just found the memes section!!!
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Mantega pfp
I believe that, similar to Bitcoin's adoption, many individuals will be drawn to web3 platforms like this out of greed, yet in the end, the superior technology will always prevail.
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Mantega pfp
Ok, we are still a little family, we can share our secrets... are you here for the future of decentralized social or just airdrops?
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Mantega pfp
Is it possible to post videos here? I could not find any tutorial on Warp. So no idea aaaaaaa Anyone can help?
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Mantega pfp
Anyone heeeereeeeeee?????
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