The worst thing that could happen to you in trading is the early success. Early success in trading can be a curse if care is not taken. When people think about trading, they often assume the worst thing that could happen is losing money. But let me tell you something counterintuitive: the real trap is making money too quickly. Let me share my story. I started trading in June 2020. By July, I had already made my first $4,000. I can’t even begin to explain how that felt. $4,000 in a single month as a beginner, it was mind-blowing. 🤯 At that moment, I believed I’d found the holy grail of wealth. In my mind, I’d unlocked an easy goldmine. I told myself, "I’ll never go broke again." Dey play😅 That early success gave me a false sense of security. I thought I didn’t need guidance or deeper knowledge. I ignored the rules of discipline and risk management because I felt I could do it again. It wasn’t long before the market humbled me. Because I had this feeling I could do it again, and I …
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