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Sleep Optimization (1/N) Consistent Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. I usually go to bed at 11-12 at night and wake up at 7-8am. Consistency reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle and virtually every other aspect of the body's health/recovery.
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Controlled Light Exposure: Expose yourself to natural sunlight during the morning/noon/evening as best you can. You want to generally mitigate artificial light exposure throughout the day, but especially at night with regard to screens/house lighting as they will greatly disrupt sleep quality.
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Sleep Env: set your bedroom up for quality sleep - cool temp (I like 67F/19.4C), dark (blackout curtains), quiet, clean air (I crack a window to avoid high CO2 and get fresh air), no distractions and minimal electronics (especially the type that emit high amounts of EMF for example phones, computers, bluetooth, wifi).
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Diet: unprocessed whole food, good meal timing and avoid drugs that effect sleep & alcohol. Generally avoid large meals late in the day and snacks especially close to bed time as this will reduce sleep quality. I eat 3 meals a day generally and my last meal of the day is around 6-7pm.
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