Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I love nature. But one thing I am forced to admit about nature is that many of the things that make nature pleasant in practice are actually very artificial: * Clothing and equipment * Public toilets at most 1km away in city parks * Paths, trails, roads * Dangerous animals removed * Lots of active maintenance
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
Interesting perspective. Years ago, I took part in a survival course led by former special ops who fought in Afghanistan. And we were like, "Okay, let's get to the middle of the forest with just a knife." And he just laughed, saying, "Guys, at least 50% of survival success depends on the stuff you take with yourself."
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Mac Budkowski ᵏ pfp
Mac Budkowski ᵏ
One thing I remember from this course - if you get thirsty in the mountains and see this pristine mountain stream, you shouldn't just drink it right away. Because 50 meters up, there might be a rotting body of a dead deer, and if you drink it, you might get diarrhea and just die because of dehydration.
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