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How would you define Ethereum's Social Layer?
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tl;dr - persons who publish dialogue onchain and offchain that's really reductive though. I'd immediately point to Ethereum's cat herders and as de facto Schelling points, which really can't be articulated out in any single post. offchain can also mean offline. while it may not seem relevant to the resiliency of the network itself, there are political movements like "Stand With Crypto" which drives nth-order effects to enshrining smart contracts as rightful legal contracts, which builds toward a physically sustained network beyond not having enough recreational, spendthrift usecases. one could also perceive the yet-to-be-active in the yet-to-be-aligned, such as other competing ecosystems, and laypeople on the fence. perhaps this is the intended audience of the UX narrative; if the right developers are incubated to present the correct polish, the status of existing on the Ethereum Social Layer will be too compelling to avoid altogether.
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not reductive at all, that's a pretty original definition. what do you think the function of the SL is?
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