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Travis LeRoy Southworth💎🎩
I've yet to mint anything on a L2 such as Base. Curious to hear artist and collector opinions. It seems like most people are going for higher/open editions on Zora. Aside from maybe growing ones followers are artists getting much from these 'free' mints? I know Foundation, Manifold and Highlight also have L2 now.
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Lucy Benson
my personal experience is theres different cultures attached around different platforms and if you/your work doesnt fit in there, doesnt matter what chain you use. im glad l2s are an option, but i'm more convinced to stick to mainnet for 1/1s curious to try a base 1/1 on foundation. that might be the exception for me
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Lucy Benson
also, just not everyone's artwork is a candidate for the quantity distribution model. mine doesnt seem to be, and it also doesnt match how i approach my work or would like it to sell either. so i guess thats perfect in a way?! im back to 1/1s as a primary focus and editions as a fun low stakes thing.
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