Lợi Văn Dương 🎩 pfp
Lợi Văn Dương 🎩
Imagine that you fly in on your jet. Limo to your boat. Cruise over to Brookfield Plaza. Moor your yacht. Come out with a glass of crystal. And look up and see the boat next to you has a helicopter on it… After a while consumption becomes a parody of itself. I love some comedy and tragedy on my evening walks. 😀 https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRPmkoE00O1B7dIOOPfhinDrsZt_3s4VnNkww&s
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Hoàng Tinh 🎭 pfp
Hoàng Tinh 🎭
🤤😘 Hôm nay cậu đã làm những việc gì đặc biệt không? Ủa j zây chòy!
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