(つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ🪿 pfp
(つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ🪿
I'd love unlimited length 😏 I don't care if no one reads me, I need to write those essays anyway
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huncho.eth pfp
The face 🤣 😏
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MingMing13 (>^_^)>☕️<(^_^<) pfp
MingMing13 (>^_^)>☕️<(^_^<)
1 full storage unit worth of just one long rant conforming to /ouliposting ty
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big tone 🎩🧾 pfp
big tone 🎩🧾
I would read it
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