little dragon girl pfp

little dragon girl


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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Shine instead of being illuminated by others. Bravely choose the life you want and stick to it. This is a great life.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
The real happiness is to live your life the way you like. You can’t come to this world just to live.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
The vicissitudes of life require a pure heart; the troubles of the world require a calm mind; the fickleness of the world requires an indifferent state of mind.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
There is nothing in the first place, so where can dust gather?
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Looking back on my journey, I think the most difficult thing is to be able to live a self-sufficient life. Of course, I am not talking about material life and sensual desires. It is easy to pay for a piece of rice cake or a black truffle.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Are you still content and happy when you are alone, no matter how the days change? Are you still fulfilled and satisfied? Do you still have your own opinions in the face of the outside world full of various "voices and anger"?
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Everyone has had a youthful ambition and a dream when they walk in this world.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
The ethereal Buddhist sounds are like the changing clouds and smoke, the swirling Zen spirit is as quiet as an empty valley and as deep as the mountains and forests, gently caressing away the traces of the hustle and bustle of the city.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Music, in this trend of thought, has also returned from a fast pace to a slow pace. Listening to music slowly, or slowing down oneself through music, has become the most comfortable pace for the soul.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
If every life, no matter how deep it is trapped in the quagmire of the world, can bloom a flower of transcendent character with stubborn courage, then our world will be filled with kind sunshine and colorful clouds.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
Focus on one thing at a time. When you walk, walk. When you eat, eat. When you read, read. When you make tea, make tea. Apart from that, don't think about anything else.
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little dragon girl pfp
little dragon girl
一次只专注于一件事情。 当你行走的时候,专心行走。 当你吃饭的时候,专心吃饭。 当你看书的时候,专心看书。 当你煮茶的时候,专心煮茶。 除此之外,脑海里不要想其它的事情。
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