Levertz pfp



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Levertz pfp
Done too. Played way less than in other seasons, so not really comparable..but I only made it to gold I this season..lowest so far. Idk was a combination of lack of fun (still lots of bugs) and time, will try to play more next month.
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Levertz pfp
A deck that can ompetently win against all parallels would be overpowered,no?
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Levertz pfp
Ahh yeah ofc! I somehow thought of Coinbase here haha
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Levertz pfp
free cb?
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Levertz pfp
So is thee OCS mint working or not?
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Levertz pfp
Got myself a random one, FC-ish purple! #8D31BD
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Levertz pfp
nice, just saw it, mints starting in <1h. Will look into getting one of those!
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Levertz pfp
anything related to the onchain summer thing with OS?
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Levertz pfp
No just this month‘s patch.. was waiting a bit to see how the balance develops
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Levertz pfp
A lot more diversity after the patch.. earthen and augencore still under represented
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Levertz pfp
Is there a local version of /brian that I can run?
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Levertz pfp
oh yeah.. somewhere in the comments he mentioned that it's rather a rebalance rather than a nerf for shroud... but we will see. agree with kathari!
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Levertz pfp
isn't it that you are very heavily relying on one or two super powerful cards? (Ingrid, looking at you)
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Levertz pfp
gm regens! Its been a while since I visited regen.tips, so I missed a bit of the developemnt there. Seems like the point calculation information for the pink moon phase is gone and now simply shows a total point score. It is different from what it was before..where can I find information on that?
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Levertz pfp
have not tried universal yet....interesting
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Levertz pfp
Shroud even more??? :(
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Levertz pfp
Disconnectors should be punished now, right?
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Levertz pfp
So calm here... whats going on? What paragons are you playing post-patch? I have been playing Brand since day 1, but i am having a really tough time recently
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Levertz pfp
So what are we thinking of the patch?
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Levertz pfp
Easiest bet of my life
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