greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
What came first, regulation of education, or educational institutions? Genuinely wondering. I will also ask AI & google :)
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Ironically, the "regulators" themselves created the first forms of education for the current ruling class to educate future ruling class. Allowing education to serve as the medium for transmission and propagation of human awareness, of classes.
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Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon pfp
Bias 🫧🗿 mybe c u @ Farcon
the desire to be a manager came first and once someone turned it into a career it became woven into the fabric of society until its most potent level of concentration at all levels and branches gave birth to the PMC(Professional Managerial Class) and then the PMC tries to tell everyone what to do about everything
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DegenVeteran.Eth  pfp
Interesting. I'd say not researching it would be educational institutions. Regulation would come after when the local government wants to control what is already established.
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DegenVeteran.Eth  pfp
Per chatGPT- Regulation can play a significant role in shaping the structure and operation of educational institutions, it is not always the sole determinant of their creation. The relationship between regulation and educational institutions is dynamic and can vary depending on historical, cultural, and social contexts
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Blockchain Bandido pfp
Blockchain Bandido
Well, for it to be regulated, it’s gotta be there is what my 🐸 🧠 says
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