Leon Wu pfp

Leon Wu


162 Following

Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
I envy our next generations. Because of AI, they may enjoy eternity, traverse galaxies, and accomplish in a day what we can in a lifetime. I also worry about our next generations. Because of AI, they may never be born.
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
4000 $DEGEN
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Numbers speak for itself
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
curious to know, what kind of office tasks are you defaulting to AI?
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Launch the IRL hat and put it in Walmart
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
What’s the -1? Doing something counterproductive?
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
love the huge glass
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
It’s like getting rid of things in like that you like but don’t really need
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Judge for yourself https://youtu.be/P2nWlXlcO5I?si=HNEdOUQ8yP5L7Cpc
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Yeah true guess it’s also because the industry is so community driven. Also the thing with conference is that the more people you know the more fun. So after going a few times it feels less like a burden
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Remind me of a SNL sketch
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
In crypto is tech is way ahead of use case right now. BD is crucial for startup survival.
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
just realized that I don’t need a VPN to access Farcaster in China
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Is that big jaw supposed to be stereotypical VC?
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
ChatGPT is so bad at coming up with startup names
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
i think if you can design the economy so that creators are incentivized to create content that is more aligned with the target audience, especially niche segments, instead of bluntly optimizing for views and ads, users will benefits. It solves a long tail problem.
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Agree that anyone whose daily job is retrieving, packaging and delivering information will be hugely impacted. However, I think it will completely change how people work in those functions than replacing the functions.
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
Of course love the feedbacks. That’s actually great ideas for bootstrapping. Will look into that. Obviously companies grow, die and pivot all the time so information will change. There is a benefit having a community constantly updating it. But that’s obviously value for later stage.
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Leon Wu pfp
Leon Wu
all good points Samuel. Yeah I guess need to prove out the PMF. Think about spinning up an mvp with 1000 or so entries (without the blockchain feature) to see if there is actually useful to anyone
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