Lena 🎭 pfp
Lena 🎭
"Pre-pandemic I founded my first company, Genetic Intelligence, on the vision of using AI to create new medicines based on the genetic code. Happy to share that Genetic Intelligence (now Genetic Leap) has partnered with Eli Lilly to further this vision in a deal valued at 409M USD." Dr eMalick Njie Couldn't be more proud or hopeful as my brilliant friend works to create a better healthcare future through AI with Ecotone. This is the potential of Afrofuturistic vision to create a better world for all of us. Listen to his fascinating story + reach out to inquire about open positions and investment opps in the comment link. https://podcasts.fame.so/e/x8vql46n-emalick-njie-ph-d-ecotone-part-1-growing-up-in-the-gambia-the-unending-book-of-neuroscience-being-a-professional-scientist-how-to-lose-your-mit-recommendation-letter-101 https://canhrau.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/nhung-hinh-anh-phong-canh-dep-nhat-hinh-2-2048x1280.jpg
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Lê Linh🎩🎭 pfp
Lê Linh🎩🎭
🤑 Yowza! Stay focused, stay positive, and make it an incredible day! @lenalena
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