Leap Wallet 🐸 pfp
Leap Wallet 🐸
gm today's Leap day 🐸 Leap year's been very good for us so far - we've done more txns in the last two months than all of last year combined 🀯 we can already feel this year's going to be the year of #Cosmos if you haven't heard of #Cosmos yet, here's everything you should be ready for
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Leap Wallet 🐸 pfp
Leap Wallet 🐸
interchain NFTs will be the new meta! @badkidsart has already been embraced by even the most hardcore ETH & SOL maxis πŸ‘Ώ in just the past two months, the badkids floor price has gone up by almost 160%! the time isn't far when everyone everywhere is rocking a Cosmos Collection PFP πŸ–ΌοΈ
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