leal.eth 🫡 pfp

leal.eth 🫡


114 Following

leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Feeling the summer vibes. Very excited about what's to come <3 keep building.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Hey /build - I've setup a public page to keep track of known issues. Added this farcaster custody address and the solution. thanks to @jarrettr for being one of the first to spot this issue and thank you to @boothang for having a helpful cast and thread on how to fix it! Keep BUILD'ing 🫡 https://www.notion.so/buildcommunity/BUILD-Airdrop-1-known-issues-873ed0fea2504d859abf8361054fc98a
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
if you are having issues claiming $BUILD from airdrop1 i’m looking into it and i will report back with a solution for you. 🫡
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Of course we got the usual hug of death. Working on the servers to get this stable, if it keeps crashing in a bit I will deploy to another hosting service to provide more alternatives. keep building
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Final airdrop test in testnet done - preparing things for mainnet. Stay tuned /builders 🫡
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
This week on /build - API is live. Looking forward to feedback and awesome bounties 🫡 docs here: https://talentprotocol.notion.site/Build-API-Docs-98e5955978d14fcd8b871c582c5c60e6?pvs=74
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
hey /build. We'll be doing some infrastructure changes in the next few hours (taking advantage of this period where no nominations are going on). Most likely it won't affect anyone but just want to give a heads up. This will setup for the BUILD API to be released and publicly accessible later on.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Hey /build community! Devs are aware of the issue that @cryptobelka reported, and we will be making sure that the 3 nomination rule is always enforced. We're adding some extra checks that we will run on a daily basis to guarantee everyone is playing by the rules. just keep building
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Fresh changes to build.top Leaderboard now shows who's a warpcast power badge user. Also started to filter the leaderboard based on this and your builder score. Also updated the nominations frame image when you nominating someone to include more stats about who you are nominating (thanks @limone.eth & @bianc8)
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
gm /build🫡 the nominations received are back. The initial query had some performance issues and was crashing the stats page, but it's back! Also today, shipped the first API endpoints for BUILD, running some internal tests and will be looking forward to release it to everyone afterwards!
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Merkle Trees are cool.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Flipped twitter yesterday 🙃 not that I had/have many followers, but thank you all 💜 looking to cast more, what would you love to hear about?
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
My nominations today go out to @woj.eth for @supercast <3 and @rish & @manan for @neynar. Don't forget to cast your votes!
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
/build top casters <3 wagmi. Just keep building and shipping
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
1st day: Pupo (not on farcaster) helped a lot with the /build app. @rubendinis, my right arm man at @talent and @orbulo an amazing full stack dev at urbe. 2nd day: urbe team @limone.eth @darph @bianc8 (missing @frankk coming soon!) 3rd day: Base team building paymaster! @nickprince.eth @paulcramer @chunter build🫡
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Alright, listen up, everyone. Me and a group of other builders have had enough of Bill's corporate nonsense. Builders, let’s take control and launch a token that empowers the real innovators.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
thanks @limone.eth and @betashop.eth for testing and shipping onframe captchas. Proving very valuable as more and more people are looking to mint their builder OG NFT.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Just beat my ATH blitz rating on chess com, now I can rest. Goal for the month achieved.
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Magnus x Fabiano finals Game 1 - Draw
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leal.eth 🫡 pfp
leal.eth 🫡
Freestyle chess G.O.A.T. - worst tournament name ever, but today's semifinal between Fabiano and Levon was nerve-wrecking, Fabiano had so many blunders... Tomorrow starts the final, who are you rooting for? https://www.supercast.xyz/polls/ae167751-4593-47d7-937b-66c0ef62bba7
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