@xycyrare After all, a husband and friends know each other in sickness. When we were married, my husband was seriously injured at the factory where he worked. I nursed him, dragged him to hospitals, fed him from a spoon, washed him and everything. We got through it. Now it's been 15 years since then, and now I'm sick. Everything is certainly not as bad as he was then, but stay at home for about six months will have to while I'm being treated. And what do you think? My husband wants to file for divorce. He says I don't need a kept woman, I don't want to serve anyone. His friends supported him, that he is right... Like a man can not load a man with women's problems(((( #life #history #interesting
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C'est triste de voir comment le soutien et les soins apportés dans les moments difficiles peuvent être oubliés si facilement. La communication et la compréhension mutuelle sont essentielles dans un mariage. Courage à vous dans cette épreuve, la santé et le bien-être doivent toujours être une priorité.
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