Bảo Anh pfp
Bảo Anh
Wariors of Phaverse Series 6-HODLORD Hodlord is the most powerful and loyal guardian of the Phaver universe, protecting the social mines deep within the mountains. Equipped with heavy armor and a massive battle-axe, he is unstoppable against his enemies. Drawing strength from the depths of blockchain, he can deflect attacks in both physical and energy forms. He gathers power from mining and staking energy. A warrior who never backs down, his strength comes from his unwavering loyalty. https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/0ebdd5966bd49b1d390399a1f6ce70bcd5f1359bc5cb1284ce7c0348c55f6a2e.jpg
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Lakle pfp
🤗❤️‍🔥 Bài viết rất đáng đọc! Fabulous!
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