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No hard feelings, but you gotta be able to sift through the bullshit. Paid group is dope honestly. @karbonbased pays out daily and also hasn’t promised anything so idk what you want. /lp is community based and pretty much ran by the community so i don’t have anything bad to say about that. Tocd has been sketchy from the start. Alfafrens hasn’t really promised anything but it’s just a popularity game and I don’t play those games.
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kyë 🧾🎭🫂🔩
personally — I didn’t ask you. “You gotta be able to sift* through the bullshit” you sound like every “keep building” ass nigga and you’re apart of the issue. when someone states an issue, there’s some nitwit who says “keep going” are you dense bro? what about what I stated? yes, one person giving “tips” is going to make my pay stub worthy lmaao. I had 3 promises of objects to obtain from having a paystub and never got anything. I could care less about your experience with /lp or anything else if you can’t acknowledge the cast in itself. relinquish your ego and own experience and show some fucking empathy. you act like I’m dying or some shit.
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I mean you posted on a public forum so you don’t need to ask anyone anything, people will reply. Didn’t expect such a hostile response though. I’m not really sure I could understand a lot of what you wrote here. What 3 objects were you promised? Being this salty won’t work out honestly. It’s just internet money anyway
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