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It is known that the computer has repeatedly managed to defeat world chess champions, however, there is one game that allows a person to beat the computer - this is “Go” (the eastern analogue of checkers), because there are many moves in it that even ultra-modern computers cannot able to calculate, and the criteria for evaluating positions are also overly complex for machines.
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For the first time, 2 pizzas were purchased with cryptocurrency. This was done by a certain Laszlo Heinitz in 2010, paying 10,000 bitcoins for food.
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In 2009, Google rented... goats from California Grazing! For what? They are very effective in controlling weeds on the lawn around the headquarters of the “good corporation”.
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20% of all issued bitcoins are stored in wallets whose owners no longer have access to them. As the famous publication The New York Times writes, several years ago Bitcoin was a dark horse and people who bought it simply forgot their electronic passwords. The digital key recovery company Wallet Recovery Services receives about several dozen requests every day, but the complex encryption system is not always recoverable and most of the money will remain inaccessible
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The idea of Proof-of-Work was first formulated by Adam Beck in 1997, when he published a paper entitled “Hashcash – A Denial of Service Countermeasure.” It was this work that Satoshi Nakamoto based on when the terms of the agreement were developed.
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