Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld pfp

Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld


79 Following

Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld pfp
Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld
Insight during conversation this weekend: “Personality is a coping mechanism” @hollins @ivanosalonia
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Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld pfp
Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld
Anyone with an invite code? Im looking to build a channel for mind training - trained as a monk for many years and got lots of content to share!
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Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld pfp
Kjartan J. Rumpsfeld
I built an online mind training platform which allows for NFT gating. Its hosted on mighty networks. Thinking of making some NFTs for giveaways at events and happenings. Wanted to see if anyone has some ideas on how I could execute this. Something that is simple, “novel” and fun. Never made an NFT before.
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