The issue of the release of Pavel Durov, the founder and general director of Telegram, raises an intense and controversial debate. Accused by several governments of encouraging non-compliance with local laws by allowing unmonitored communication through his platform, Durov is also defended by those who see him as a champion of freedom of expression and the protection of privacy. Many of his supporters argue that he is the victim of unfair accusations aimed at restricting digital freedom and imposing state surveillance on private communications. This debate highlights fundamental questions about the balance between national security, individual privacy, and digital freedoms. π What place should privacy protection have in our society? π€ Should freedom of expression take precedence over national security concerns? π It is these crucial questions β that we will explore when discussing the case of Pavel Durov and Telegram. π£οΈ #FREEDUROV π²ππ€ #KeepPhavering π¦ #vivelaFrance π«β¦
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Gm gm bro π What do you think about my debate?
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Hi bro, I apologize for my late reply. In my opinion, freedom of expression is more important than anything else, but it is not respected anywhere. Anyone who does not cooperate with the governments in sharing user information or censoring and filtering them may end up like Pavel Durovπ€
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I agree with you bro πͺπ»βΊοΈ
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