kingbook pfp
I have a question about @frames! cc @df @stephancill I'm using framesjs and Next.js. At this point, I'll try anything. How do you route your API calls? I'm trying to do something that's not necessarily Farcaster/Warpcast/Moxie statistics, but I only see those types of frames for the most part. I want to build a very tiny version of to be executed in a frame. Search for a Basename, get a report with some metrics coming from Alchemy SDK, profit. So far, I've gotten as far as having a frame with a search input, but all my POSTS are failing after that. I prefer your frame debugger over anything else I've seen so far.
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kingbook pfp
I got a new error, yesssssss. POSTs are working, but having trouble rendering the image now. A template for this would be /chefskiss
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