Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝 @ FarCon
What do you think about Worldcoin?
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
So even with open source hardware I still need to trust the individual orb in front of me. How do I know there’s no iris “skimmer” in front of it? I don’t love the idea of an authentication method I can’t reset the password to in case of compromise.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Are we picturing a world in which iris scans are a common method of authentication but never get compromised? Or is world coin hoping to be the only time you ever get your scan done and all other authentications are derived from that single scan? Both scenarios seem improbable to me.
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