killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp

killjoy.eth 🎩


431 Following

killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
I used to aim for a good work/life balance, but felt like I could never find that elusive magical point. Now I think of it as a work/life pendulum, swinging to one side or another of my ideal, always overshooting, but staying roughly centered in the right place.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Hey Degens! My tip allowance today is going to one lucky /eepvers follower who quote casts our inaugural post. Eep you later.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
How do I get my bagels to look more bagel-y?
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
When I was a kid my parents put me in piano and they tried to teach me theory. πŸ˜•. Then I started guitar lessons where I could play the songs I liked to listen to on the radio. It wasn’t long before I WANTED to understand the theory behind the music. This is how we teach kids to program.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Today my son helped me figure out why you never see dudes with beards blow bubbles while chewing gum.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Here’s a behind the scenes look at the tool we built to develop the colour palettes for our /eepvers characters. Not ready to reveal artwork yet so my moon bird is standing in.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Here’s a behind the scenes look at the tool we built to develop the colour palettes for our /eepvers characters. Not ready to reveal artwork yet so my moon bird is standing in.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Here's a behind the scenes look at the eepvers avatar studio. @eepmon and I use it to fine-tune the relationships between elements in the artwork to make sure you get a killer colour palette for your eep. LFG.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
I live in the timeline where you sometimes find mystery granola on your back porch.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Hey DEGENs! @eepmon and I are cooking up something exciting for the DEGEN community. I want to invite you all to follow our progress as we build the /eepvers! My tip allowance is sparse these days but I’ll do my best to show my appreciation for your help spreading the word!
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Embarrassed to admit how often my wife and I use our Apple Watch walkie talkies to coordinate around the house but tbh it’s a pretty good parenting hack. We’re often in separate ends of the house dealing with simultaneous catastrophes.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
There’s only one proper way to pronounce keccak.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Hey y’all! Cooking up an exciting PFP project with digital artist @eepmon. We’re building HARD and want you to join us. Because the world needs more monkey jpegs. Follow our progress at /eepvers!
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
People talking about putting Oregon Trail in a frame? Nah bruh.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Are you a DEGEN, degen, Degen, dEgEn or DeGeN?
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
@ted is the recording from the Deploy to Degen talk going to be shared? It was a great session and I’d like to rewatch. 44 $DEGEN.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Illustrating this photo of kid #2 has been a great exercise in slowing down and actively appreciating his distinct personality at this moment in time. Now on to big bro.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Send me deep tracks from your favourite β€œlocal to you” bands who had amazing potential but never got the recognition they deserved.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
/parenting is my favourite place to dump the last of my DEGEN allowance cuz y’all work so hard and deserve a little recognition.
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killjoy.eth 🎩  pfp
killjoy.eth 🎩
Peanut butter on an everything bagel πŸ‘/πŸ‘Ž?
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