Not sure I'm going to continue on OpCSR. It appears that already implemented everything we had intended to explore. Turns out, losing 6 months to day job demands means I missed the window of opportunity. we'll see if there's still something worth pursuing there, but not sure we need two opsr codebases.
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What was OpCSR?
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Canto implements something called contract shared revenue. CSR pays the contract deployer/owner based on how much the contract is used. It's an incentive to deploy on the network, and to maintain your contracts functionality. I was going to move it to optimism, using an OP stack L3 as a proof of concept
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Mode network has already implemented literally every bullet point we had talked about 6 months ago. Sequencer shared rvenue, nfts to claim revenue for multiple contracts. It's so close to our internal docs I have to wonder if that was the natural thought process or if someone else took our notes and ran with it.
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Regardless, not sure it's worth the effort to duplicate the project
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