Kenneth Martinez
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"The Heretic" is a movie of blown opportunities. At least a couple of times, the events could unfold in such a way that would actually surprise us.
In real life, nobody bothered to decide what this film was about, why it existed, and so the beaten path was taken, where the sign says "mindgames", and in the finale, it all boiled down to mania and complete control.
Hugh Grant did not impress but drove me crazy with his antics and trying to give a versatile character, while there is no madness in his eyes, his voice is even, and the actions are without quirks. In addition, this hour-long tedious lecture on who is right and who is wrong, hidden behind some certain choice that we all obviously make every single day, was totally unnecessary. 0 reply
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The aftertaste from Jon Watts' Wolfs is good, but it does not linger for long, and the film is forgotten pretty fast. There are no memorable phrases, funny and caustic jokes, action in the film, and the chemistry between Pitt and Clooney seems to be missing.
Which is good because Watts didn't head down the buddy movie route and the action was linear. Two buddies went out into the street alone, accidentally met on the street, got drunk, and went for a walk. It is difficult to connect with what is happening. Perhaps because all that is a situation and not a story of good friendship-too fleeting, like melting snow, trivial, or something.
But all this is, nevertheless, very nice to watch. The stateliness of Clooney and Pitt is like hypnosis. They just fit into the images of those who eliminate problems: fixers confident both behind the wheel of the car and alone with a corpse in a hotel room. You believe them. 1 reply
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