Keating pfp



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Keating pfp
Honored to have contributed to the contracts for the ZK Nation launch and future governance. If you believe in our work, ScopeLift and I would be grateful for your delegation to continue supporting ZK Nation governance.
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Hats Protocol pfp
Hats Protocol
At Hats, we love organizations. And we have an idea for what’s coming next. It all starts with the organizational graph. Check out our new vision post
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Keating pfp
As the ecosystem embraces a multichain landscape, inevitably Dao governance will follow.
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Keating pfp
Frontend masters has good typescript courses
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Keating pfp
Looking forward to your thoughts after giving it a try
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Paul Miller pfp
Paul Miller
Announcing noble-post-quantum: minimal JS implementation of ML-KEM, ML-DSA and SLH-DSA. Also known as Kyber, Dilithium & SPHINCS+. Only 2000 lines of code - great learning resource for anyone who’s messing with PQ stuff. Check out README for comparison.
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Keating pfp
Anyone have DAO/governance frames they're looking to see built? I'm looking to build out ideas based on what the community wants.
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Toni Wahrstätter pfp
Toni Wahrstätter
There is always something to ship.
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eek pfp
I just posted a proposal to upgrade the protocol so that its fee mechanism rewards UNI token holders that have staked and delegated their tokens. I don't think you're supposed to thread on WC so will just stick this here - read it!
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Keating pfp
Great article! What are some parts of the decentralization community that see the crypto world as an ally if any?
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Keating pfp
Andrew Roberts "Walking with Destiny" was really good. But, it is my only point of reference for a Churchill biography.
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Keating pfp
🏎️ for one more day
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Matt Solomon pfp
Matt Solomon
Excited to announce that the CreateX deployer is now at the same address on 50+ chains. Features: - Create, create2, and create3 - EIP-1167 proxies - Atomic deploy+init - Sender redeploy protection - Cross-chain redeploy protection
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Keating pfp
Graphite, it has brought a mixed bag, but mostly joy
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Keating pfp
Maybe in some things, but I have a feeling there would be much more entrenchment in unwise views.
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Keating pfp
Find others, and build together. It's a good way to distribute the responsibility if you don't have too much extra time.
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Keating pfp
Why is no one talking about Element/Matrix?
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Keating pfp
Maybe by making the RFP applications or process public. There will still be competition to win the RFP, but a team will easily be able to find collaborators if there are knowledge/skills gaps needed to deliver on the RFP.
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Keating pfp
What are some tools/reference repos that signal someone is an expert building on top of the EVM?
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Keating pfp
I use the TorvarishFin fork of vim-solidity and use ale with foundry fmt setup for auto formatting.
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