Owolabi Kayode
Impossible finance ~ Story Protocol In this guide, we will walk you through the background of Story Protocol, the benefits it offers, and how you can participate in the Odyssey Testnet through an exclusive Impossible Finance StakeDrop simulation ✅ Go to https://odyssey-testnet-explorer.storyscan.xyz/address/0x1044F1F2e208e213FBdFfeEbDc4eE0d194307438?tab=read_write_contract ➖ Connect with Metamask Wallet No:7 Mint ↪️to (address) [Enter your Address] ↪️amount (uint256) [100 000 000 000 000 000] ➖ Click Write ✅ Go to https://app.impossible.finance/launchpad/project/141/sale/671?ref=blog.impossible.finance ➖ Stake your TIDIA Claim Badge Task⤵️ ✅ Go to https://story.impossible.finance/ ➖ Follow our X at impossible ➖ Like our post about staking simulation ➖ Retweet our post about staking simulation ➖ Join our TG announcement channel ➖ Join our general TG group ➖ Join the StakeDrop Simulation
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