Adam pfp



150 Following

Adam pfp
Can someone explain Drakula like I'm 5?
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Adam pfp
Just earned DRIP doomscrolling on @drakula
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Adam pfp
Many folks in crypto just blow my mind, how incredibly disconnected from reality they are. We're literally speculating on magic internet money, often times the most magic and most speculative (memes/NFTS), and people throw a fit when they aren't realizing MULTIPLES in days, hours or even minutes. 🤯
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Adam pfp
Daily check in!
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Adam pfp
This is great information…
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Adam pfp
Hey Ore! Any miners in here? Let’s share tips and discuss optimizing…
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Adam pfp
This is what I try to do. But - being a reply guy isn’t enough (as I understand it) you need some casts too. And I am pretty sure recast-quote qualifies :)
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Adam pfp
I’m not a coder, but working hard and with the help of AI I was able to mine .33sol worth of $ore last night. Today was able to get a second account running, but stuck on 3rd…congestion won’t let me create a token account and sending ore to the account didn’t seem to fix it. Any suggestions? /solana
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Adam pfp
We’re all gud smart!!!
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Adam pfp
Guess I need to get to work.
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Adam pfp
I’m really not buying “Base is the next chain for normies”. I’m not terribly technical, but I know the lack of transparency in contracts combined with the seemingly endless number of ways to create scam contracts will have the reverse effect - normies will get rugged quickly, hate crypto, and quit. /base
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Adam pfp
After that last mint, it doesn't feel so early anymore
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Adam pfp
sooooo close....
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Adam pfp
I'm taking $onchain pill
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Adam pfp
GM Degens 🫡
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Adam pfp
While I’m still figuring it out - I love the (primarily) Web3 focus and good vibes. It’s like twitter without all the fighting/politics/“influencoors”
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Adam pfp
ugh, so something is definitely wrong with my tips, so I have well over 10K degen in my base wallet (and over 10K on degen chain also). I can find my user in Dune, but Dune says I haven't tipped OR received any tips...checker frame says I have 163 but that amount never goes down. /tips /help
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Adam pfp
/enjoydegen airdrop 🎩
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Adam pfp
I just figured out how to use this on a browser 🤡
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Adam pfp
I can’t seem to tip =\ frame checker says I have 163 degen for a couple days but my balance never changes…
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