Karthik Senthil pfp
Karthik Senthil
We all agree that crypto UX is terrible. But it's on us to fix it. If you can wave a magic wand ๐Ÿช„, what's the first thing you'd fix today that would have the biggest ROI?
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Aaron Ho ๐ŸŽฉ ฯ† pfp
Aaron Ho ๐ŸŽฉ ฯ†
Perception or rather the misconception of crypto and money.
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Brandon Owens pfp
Brandon Owens
Decentralized custody, such that an individual gets โ€˜bank likeโ€™ security protections without centralized control to take or away. So then all the explanation, hassle & fear of self custody can fade away while the promise of independent ownership can stay.
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