where are those people that came after me on here recently for being mean to ciniz and having serious concerns and questions - want to follow up on that convo?
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this is why you need to know exactly what is going on behind the scenes. when the GAIA super powerful AI white paper was released -> there was a lot of talk about autonomous onchain AI, and that is totally fine. but here is the catch. no part of the henlo kart contracts contained any code related to ai. there was only a randomness algorithm. and the fact that a frame with only 3 buttons was released after months of work and promises... lol. people are delusional from holders perspective, i hope im wrong and the project will be revived
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J. Valeska 🦊🎩🫂
yeah, the contract was a non sense.. nothing related what they have been promised.. to be honest.. and the frame.. well.. I already told that it was a smart way to rob players but.. they told me I was mad.. I am mad bit I was right too.. and I was expecting something like that soon or later... but I am so dumb that hold the nft and the token 😅
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actually trying to read that “whitepaper” they put out was they biggest red flag moment to me tbh - read like completely made up and wildly overly highh fluten language and like even if you tried,p didnt even make much sense , or could have been stated wildly more simply. which gave me the feeling this is a fkn rouse pretty heavy tbh…. anyway. much to be studied
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yes. and people who simple actually looked at the content even just a little bit, it was like pretty damn obvious too that somethin was very sus. and yet if you said that out loud you were likely to be to be come after by these minions insisting that how dare you say anything ill of out dear leader. “ciniz is fren”. in retrospect that aspect of it is extra icky when you think abt all the tactics they used to manipulate ppl into group think around it and all that… if you were there to see what i mean , ofc… yikes. not gud
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