Justin Harlton pfp

Justin Harlton


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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
This is pretty awesome. Thank you. I am looking to purchase The Scythian Empire by Christopher Beckwith.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Haha. Do some research.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
I’m halfway through Children of Dune, which like Dune Messiah is not on the same level as the first book. I keep going because so many people say God Emperor is the best book in the series.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Yes, it was farfetched. But this is how Herbert wrote it. I like the books, but don’t love them. Too many moments like this that make you think, “how?” The subsequent books also focus on characters who are impossible to identify with. They’re either math geniuses, robots, or omniscient children.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
And that they charge through the remnants of a shield wall that was just blown apart by atomics. I hope those stillsuits filter out radiation.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow!
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
I love this line from Herbert’s Dune Messiah (1969): “The universe is unfinished, you know” (53).
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
My spoiler-free preview of Joseph Conrad’s “Youth: A Narrative” (1898). https://www.arapaper.com/issue011_conrad_youth_a_narrative/
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
The Misfits on managing intergenerational wealth: “Buy, borrow, die, die, die my darling.”
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Yesterday’s cast links to the spoiler-free preview. Today’s links to my essay on Joseph Conrad’s “The N***** of the ‘Narcissus.’” https://www.arapaper.com/issue008_effort_and_merit_aboard_conrads_narcissus/
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
For those of you who like Heart of Darkness, here is my spoiler-free preview of Joseph Conrad’s “The N***** of the ‘Narcissus.’” https://www.arapaper.com/issue006_conrad_the_narcissus/
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Nice to see that you enjoyed it.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Hope you like it! Ishiguro is a gem. He won the Nobel recently. And thank you for the tokens.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Buried Giant (2015). In Ishiguro’s signature elliptic style, the novel, which follows the main characters’ quest to kill a dragon, is about recapturing lost memories, even if those memories pose a greater problem than the dragon itself. Thanks hosting this.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
My review of Ian Shapiro’s The Moral Foundations of Politics. https://www.arapaper.com/issue003_shapiro_the_moral_foundations_of_politics/
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
How could you let Duncan Idaho fight all those Sardaukar alone, Frank?
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Continuing with the back issues, here is my review of Antonio Damasio’s popular neuroscience book Descartes’ Error. https://www.arapaper.com/issue002_damasio_descartes_error/
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
You’d probably like Aaron Gwyn (@AmericanGwyn) on X. He’s a prof specializing in McCarthy. Maybe you can convince him to jump over to Warpcast.
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Hope you enjoy it!
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Justin Harlton pfp
Justin Harlton
Definitely. This will be my first read of it. Have you read it previously?
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