Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Device-to-device audio communication (think QR codes, but made out of sound) seems very underrated. Much better UX than QR codes or NFC because you don't have to worry about putting your phone in the exactly right place or pointing it in the right direction. Anyone here with more detailed takes on this?
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July pfp
I built an app that did this about 10 years ago that did offline TXs. issues we ran into: - poor microphones at the time on android meant (iPhones were fine) we were relegated to them - there’s a lot of noise in the world - bit rate on audible sound spectrum is slow
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July pfp
More things: - high frequency inaudible sound above 20kHz is ideal; but not all speakers support it or not all microphones support it - doing the decoding of msgs took more to compute than was a good UX - also had to be loud in order to actually get messages through
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