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content is the true gem the technology is a crown, a mechanism to hold the gems on the head - a means to an end
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I don’t go to YouTube for the technology you know? I go to it because I have things I want to watch made by real people who have things they want to get off their chest it seems
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If something comes out that’s better than Spotify eventually, I will use that. I’m married to my love for the content I care about - I am not married to Netflix or Spotify, brand loyalty is low
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As a platform company it’s easy to forget sometimes that the jewels on the crown are more important than the crown itself and crown starts to feel quite self important and it says hey I don’t need no gems to make my crown
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So with that in mind - you have to remember as an artist, as a creator - you hold the leverage in this conversation at the end of the day - the power is in your hands, and don’t let the platforms con you into giving up your power so easily
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